Newsletter Preferences

If you are like me, you get lots of promotional emails every day. Open up your inbox and it's full of "special discounts", "limited offers", "today only". You feel like a guinea pig in many marketing experiments, all designed to squeeze the last dollar from you before you unsubscribe.

We want to do better with our emails.

A lot better.

Yes, we still want you to hear about deals or new products, and buy when you are ready. After all, we are a small business, and we need to pay the bills and feed the kids too. But we also value you as an individual. A unique human being. Not a number on a balance sheet. We respect your preferences and your time. We want you to get something out of every email from us.

Today, you'll find a new settings page under "Accounts" called "Newsletter". You choose how often and what to get, and we'll do as told.

Here are the options.

  • Quarterly - Updates. You like what you bought from HappyMoose. But you are busy. You are not interested in knowing what's we are doing every week. We get it. We'll keep our messages short and sweet.

  • Monthly - Photography Tips. You want to take better photos with your phone. Through a series of bite-size instructional emails, you'll learn simple but powerful features in your phone camera, composition techniques that make your photos feel more natural, and tips on seasonal topics like how to shoot autumn colours.

  • Monthly - City Photo Guides. See your neighbourhood through the lens of award-winning photographers, people who know how to see differently. Grab your camera, explore your neck of the woods with a fresh pair of eyes. If you are travelling to a new city, follow the guide and enjoy a visually-fueling tour.

  • Monthly - Exclusive Deals. Special deals we reserve for our members. Who doesn't like a good discount?

  • Weekly - Be part of the Journey. You love HappyMoose. You've told many friends about us. And you are keen to know what the team is up to. Every week you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at what we are working on, and occasionally you'll receive samples of new products to try.

By default, you will receive emails on Quarterly Updates and Exclusive Deals. You can change them anytime at Accounts / Newsletters.

Thank you for your time. I'm looking forward to talking to you soon.

Alex and the HappyMoose team