Collage prints

Best Seller

A smaller version of our popular collage posters.

Upload your favourite photos, select one of our professional photo papers, and we will tile them up in a nice grid layout for you.

These are designed to match the collage framed prints you may have previously purchased from us, with a few new layout options included.

They come unframed, unmatted, as a print only product. Visit your local custom framer, or pop into a store bought frame to add to your gallery wall.

How big can I print?
Upload methods
Upload directly from your mobile devices and tablets. We also support importing photos from Google Photos, Dropbox and Instagram.
Photo format
JPEG or PNG files up to 40M. (Photographer or designer? Check out our guides on digital workflow, ICC profiles or vector image export settings.)
Resolution requirement

Minimum resolution requirement is 640x640px. Most mobile phone photos will work just fine.

Use the Resolution Calculator to find out the minimum requirement of the photo.

Don't know how to check photo resolution? Check out our guide for Windows and Mac OSX.

Production time
Ready to ship in 3 to 7 business days.
Want it faster? Upgrade to priority order.
Delivery time
Shipping usually takes up to 3 business days. Priority shipping is overnight for most NZ addresses.
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